E-Book The Secret Adversary By Agatha Christie - 1922 [English Versions]

E-Book The Secret Adversary By Agatha Christie - 1922 [English Versions]

IT was 2 p.m. on the afternoon of May 7, 1915. The Lusitania had been struck by two torpedoes in succession and was sinking rapidly, while the boats were being launched with all possible speed. The women being children were being lined up awaiting their turn. Some still clung desprately to husbands and fathers; others clutched their children closely to their breasts. One girl stood alone, slightly apart from the rest. She was quite young, not more than eighteen. She didi not seem afraid, and her grave, steadfast eyes looked straight ahead...

AGATHA CHRISTIE dikenal sebagai maestro novel detektif yang tak tersisihkan. Alur cerita yang ruwet. Persoalan-persoalan yang tak terduga-diselesaikan dengan dedukasi yang sederhana.

Pengarang yang selalu menantang pembacanya untuk menemukan pemecahan sebelum lembar terakhir.

Password: ferdinand

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